I had interviewed a lady who was a sociologist who says "I am a lesbian," but she described homosexuality in this term, she said, "They are self-absorbed narcissists." I want you to put that down -- self-absorbed narcissists who are willing to destroy any institution so long as they can have affirmation of their lifestyle. You go back to the various laws that took away the difficulty of getting a divorce, and the people leading the charge were homosexuals, way back in the '70s. So we have no-fault divorce. Who are leading the charge for abortions? So often, you'll find people who are lesbians leading the fight for the destruction of human life. Now they want to destroy marriage.
What the fuck is this dumbass talking about?! OK, so let me get this straight. Homos are the reason we have no-fault divorce and abortion? Ohhhh-kaaaaay. I'd really like him to explain why homosexuals would want no-fault divorce so much since they aren't allowed to get married anyway. You see, Pat, the queers have had no-fault divorce for years. It's called breaking up. No judge, no lawyers, no fights over alimony. They just have to decide whose records belong to who and which one keeps the apartment or the couch they bought together at IKEA. I'm pretty sure none of them care whether or not your wife has to prove your an ass-hole when she decides to leave you. Once they are allowed to get married (and it will happen Pat, you will lose in the end), then they'll probably care what the divorce laws are. And guess who signed the first ever no-fault divorce law in the U.S., in 1969? Drum roll please......Conservative icon, then Governor of California Ronald Reagan, a divorced man himself. But somehow it's the fags fault? I'd say more likely it was the idea of 50-something white male politicians who wanted to dump their 50-something wives to marry their 20-something secretaries. Besides, do we really want to force people who don't want to be married anymore to stay married unless they give a good enough reason to a judge?
Oh, and Pat. Guess what? It's been over a year now in Massachusetts and all the lesbo/fag weddings (well over 6,000 now) haven't destroyed breeder marriage yet.
And lesbians are responsible for abortion? Does this guy even listen to himself? I really can't imagine there are so many lesbians out there accidentally getting pregnant that they would be on the forefront of the abortion rights movement. They've kind of got other problems to deal with right now. Although I imagine in that tiny little brain of his, Pat really believes lesbians all over the country are going and getting artificially inseminated just so they can go to a clinic and kill a fetus. 'Cause, you know, those lesbians just hate babies and would kill them all if they could.
I love how he quotes some mysterious "lesbian sociologist" who says all gays are "self-absorbed narcissists", which would be a really strange thing for a lesbian to say. And I doubt an educated sociologist would use that phrase anyway because she would know that it is redundant to call a narcissist "self-absorbed". If you won't shut-up Pat would you at least buy a goddamn dictionary? Yea, that's right, I said goddamn, you goddamn moron. I suppose now you'll blame me for causing the hurricane season because I used your lord's name in vain.
What a dick.
And the problem with Democrat politicians is they try to win over the dumb hillbillies who listen to this jerk-off. Like Kerry's stupid "I don't believe in gay marriage either" and "I'm not really a liberal" blah blah blah. Stupid way to go about it. I say fuck 'em. These people aren't going to vote for them anyway, they are too far beyond reason so they should stop pandering to these brain dead zealots who actually believe the stupid shit that Falwell says about the World Trade Center attacks being the fault of the queers, abortionists, feminists, and the ACLU. The motto shouldn't be "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em", it should be "if you can't beat 'em, you're not using a big enough stick."
1 comment:
What're you, some kinda homo?
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