Well, let's get off the topic of bitching about religion and their leaders today and move to another group that pisses me off from time to time: Parents.
Yes, that's right. I said parents. Specifically, parents that want everyone else in the world to worry about the well-being of their children, which seems to be most of them. I'm talking about those parents that do nothing but constantly bitch and moan about sex, drugs, violence and fucking profanity on TV or movies or the internet. It is just a constant barrage of "children shouldn't be exposed to...", "I was shocked to see what my child was watching.", "That stuff shouldn't be shown to children.", and they are always asking us to "think of the children". Well, I happen to agree with George Carlin when he said "fuck the children!" I am so sick of having to think about the children. They say children are the future, and I've got no issue with that. But this is the present and it belongs to the adults, not to the goddamn children, and what kids are or aren't exposed to is not my fucking problem. And I'm sick of these parents making it the problem of those of us adults who've decided not to breed. There are adults out there who want to see sex, violence and drugs on TV, and who the fuck are these parents to tell us we can't? And we're not even talking about porn or anything here. They bitch about just about everything, from the brilliant Sopranos to the stupid O.C. By the way, if I were a parent, I would be less concerned about the images of sex and drugs at the O.C. and more worried about what the show is doing to my child's IQ. But that's beside the point.
I'm thinking about this because my wife and I were flipping through the channels the other night and there it was again, on Dateline or something. They were talking to a group of parents and to their children, but separately. The kids, who seemed to be in the 11-13 age range, were talking about their favorite shows (O.C. and Smallville) and then they would cut to showing the parents racy scenes from the shows. I remember a scene from O.C. of a teenage drug and alcohol party and a Smallville sweaty sex scene (who knew Superman got so jiggy in high school?). The parents were just shocked and appalled at the kinds of things their children were watching. And parents love to make proclamations that "things like that" shouldn't be on TV. Well fuck them. First, there is no law that says you have to own a TV. No one makes you buy a TV, or a Sega, or a computer, or a stereo. And it wasn't my idea for them to have televisions act as babysitters for their kids.
Your kids? Your responsibility.
No matter what tools we give these people it is never fucking enough. They have the V-Chip, which federal law says every TV has to have. These parent groups demanded it like crazy in the 90s, not just to have it available but to be mandatory in every TV in America, which made the price of TVs go up about $50. About 3% of them get used. And cable companies give them boxes that can block out anything they want. And that's still not good enough for these damn parent groups. They want "ala carte" offerings from cable providers, so the signal from objectionable programs don't even enter the wires leading to their homes. Even though they can already block the stations they want and ala carte would make cable bills, for everyone, higher. What they want is the entire world to be G-rated, regardless of what the rest of us want, for the "protection" of their child. And I call bullshit on that. We adults have made enough concessions to fucking breeders. If the tools you have been given already aren't enough for you, well tough titties! Movies have ratings. Video games have ratings. Music has warning stickers thanks to that bitch Tipper Gore. TVs can be set up so only PBS and the Disney Channel can be watched. No More! Raising your children is your responsibility. You can always get rid of your TV you know. Cancel the cable, buy the kids some books, take them to museums, and stop making it our problem.
And it will always boggle my mind why there is anything wrong with swearing, as any of you that read me regularly have already been able to figure out. There is no such thing as a bad word. How is cunt any worse of a word than apartheid or Nazi?
Besides, grown-ups like grown-up things. Just because you had kids and can't watch whatever you want, whenever you want, don't take it away from me. You're just jealous.
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2 weeks ago
A "Sega"? What is this, 1990? Get with the times, chief.
Maybe if you hadn't watched so much TV as a child, you wouldn't cuss so much now. Just a thought... ;)
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