Have you seen this dumbass Chad Myers on CNN? He's the weather guy I'm forced to put up with while watching the around the clock Hurricane coverage on the news. I know I know, I bitch about people on CNN all the time yet I continue to watch. But when you flip the channel and your other choices are Rita Cosby on MSNBC, whose voice can best be described as sounding like Tiny Tim with laryngitis, or FOX, where they're figuring out ways to blame the hurricane on the Welfare State and gay abortionists, CNN turns out to be the least annoying place to get your news. I do wish they'd fire most of the reporters, except for Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Christiane Amanpour. Maybe Anderson Cooper too, but only if he stops saying "Here at 360 we show both sides and let you decide" every five minutes. The rest of them have to go. Did you see Larry King ask Celine Dion to sing a song while she bawling?
This Myers guy is a real piece of work lately. Normally a TV weather guy wouldn't bother me. They're basically just stupid lazy people who fell into a sweet gig that requires very little work or brain function, and I can respect that. But this guy has issues. He gets snippy with the other anchors when they ask what something he just said in weather guy lingo means, which is just weird to see. Seriously, all one of them asked was what he means when he says the hurricane is getting "airy" and he loses it. And he seems to get pissed off about names of hurricanes. Ever since the latest one, Ophelia, has popped up he has just been snide and pissy. First I heard him say something like, "where the heck do they get these names?", and then "Ophelia, how's that for a name?!". Eventually, he starts spelling it every time he talks about it, which prompts miles O'Brien to ask "Hey Chad, why do you keep spelling Ophelia every time you say it?", and you can tell he's making fun of Chad at this point. Chad's reply was testy as hell and actually said "because it's so weird, whoever heard of..." and O'Brien kind of did the "OK, OK Chad.." thing.
So Chad thinks Ophelia is an odd, nobody ever heard of it kind of name.
Memo to CNN: Please buy Chad Myers a copy of William Shakespeare's Hamlet. If Elizabethan drama is not his thing, then at least get him a copy of the Indigo Girls' fifth album. His brain seems to be hurting.
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2 weeks ago
Chad Myers is a professional meteorologist. That means he has at least one heavily mathematical degree under his belt. I've read his bio, he's done some pretty nifty theoretical work in the area of weather.
Whereas, Carol Costello has been an "anchor" her entire career. That means that she is paid boocoo bucks to sit in front of a teleprompter and reads stuff, at least when she's not interrupting the weatherman. If she's can't understand what he's talking about, at least she could show the common courtesy of waiting until the man is not mid-sentence.
The state of the news industry is in the toilet -- it's nothing but entertainment anymore. Weather reporting is the only remaining source of unbaised journalism in America today.
So ease off already!
Is Faux News really blaming anyone for the hurricane? Or are they just in global warming denial mode? Not having cable, I don't have the, um, luxury, of watching Fox News (or CNN for that matter). I went to the Fox News web-site, but didn't see much but things that resembled actual news. (I know - shocking!) Perhaps Faux News isn't blaming anyone for the hurricane, but for the lack of preparation? From what I've gathered, Dems claim this is Bush/FEMA's fault, and Reps claim this is certain local Dems who were in charge. It seems to me that there is enough blame to spread around, but Bush's choice for head of FEMA, whew!
Apparently your blog has reached the very eyes of whom you speak, Deni.
Well done!
I was thinking the same thing....
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