Andy Warhol accomplished a lot in his life, from trippy films to his soup cans to his Marilyn portraits. But his most lasting legacy will probably be his "15 minutes of fame" prediction. Though I think he was slightly off. It's not that everyone will get their 15 minutes of fame, it is that everyone wants their 15 minutes and thinks they deserve it, regardless of not really having done anything to earn it. Seems to me that so-called "reality" TV has a lot, if not the most, to do with this.
As I've written before, I do a lot of temp work, that's what a theatre degree can do to some people. This week I've been working the reception desk at a well connected talent agency. By that I mean they have a lot of names here, and they are not the kind of agency that starts representing the guy fresh off the bus from the State U. theatre department. People like Dave Chappelle and Tony Kushner are repped by these guys.
On an interesting note, as the receptionist I have to look up talent in the database when someone calls to talk to their agent, so I've been finding out lots of people's home addresses. If I wanted to stalk Morgan Spurlock I totally could. Weirdest thing I've learned so far is that Ricki Lake's alias is Betty Boop.
Oh, and for those of you that assume that agents are inflated , scum-sucking bottom feeders, well, you are pretty much right on the money. These ass holes act like they are saving the world, when all they are doing is negotiating for somebody to get a role in National Treasure 2.
Anyway, I was working the desk a couple of of days ago and a call came in from this kind of nasally voiced guy. He asked me if we took on clients even if they weren't in the union yet. I told him I didn't think so. He then explained to me what he was calling for. See, he had just appeared on the 6th season audition portion of American Idol and now wants an agent to move forward.
What the fuck is with people? He auditioned for American Idol, was not picked, and now he thinks he should have an agent???
What the hell is next, someone tries to get a movie deal because they held up a "Hi Mom" sign outside the Today Show studio?
People should really get over this obsession with fame. It will not magically make your life worth something.
When the 15 minutes is over, you are still the same schmuck you were before.
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4 weeks ago
Uh, you might wanna rethink revealing that alias, bub.
What, I care?
It's not like I gave out Dave Chappelle's address (which I also saw).
These idiots need to consider the wisdom of giving a temp access to your database and not making them sign a non-disclosure agreement.
Mr. Mayer, this is Ricki Lake's attorney. I'm bringing a lawsuit against you and, if we win, I'm going to pay to have shards of glass shoved up your ass. Because of you, Ms. Lake must now come up with a new alias. What do you think of "Batgirl"?
I want to be famous just so that I don't have to wipe my own ass after I shit.
And what I want to know is what the f*ck Ricki Boop needs an agent for. Doesn't she have like two minutes left?
Prego, you'll find no need to PG up the language in my comment section. Don't feel it necessary to use the ubiquitous * sign in place of letters in words like fuck here.
The only profanity filter around here is when my wife gets annoyed with me for referring to someone as a cunt.
I've tried to explain to her that I can't think of a better way to refer to Nancy Grace...
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