Wednesday, July 13, 2005

FOX Holes

What the fuck is with these people? For those of you that don't watch FOX News, have you heard some of the shit that was said on Murdoch's little propaganda machine after the London bombing? Well, get a load of this shit, courtesy of our friends at Media Matters.

First, there's this dick Brian Kilmead suggesting that this was a good thing to happen. According to him, we can now put global warming on the coal-fired back burner, along with African aid, and just stick to terrorism like we should have been all along.

So everyone knows that the day before the bombing London was awarded the 2012 Olympics. This is what FOX host John Gibson said then:

By the way, just wanted to tell you people, we missed -- the International Olympic Committee missed a golden opportunity today. If they had picked France, if they had picked France instead of London, to hold the Olympics, it would have been the one time we could look forward to where we didn't worry about terrorism. They'd blow up Paris, and who cares?

And then he said this after the attacks:

The bombings in London: This is why I thought the Brits should let the French have the Olympics -- let somebody else be worried about guys with backpack bombs for a while.

Where to begin on this guy? First, he speaks as though the awarding of the Olympics is somehow the reason for this bombing. So a big coordinated terrorist attack was planned and carried out in less than a day? Riiiight. And this whole French hating thing is just so odd. What I find the funniest about the whole thing is that Americans basically hate the French for the same reasons people hate Americans. A rude, angry, fuck-you attitude and they are completely impatient with people who come to their country and don't know their language. And we bash them for not going along with their war. Gibson, and other right-wing nutjobs, talk like we have some sort of kinship with the British and slam the French for being against our war. What none of them seem to remember is that the British people are against the war as much as the French. It's just that Tony Blair doesn't care what his people want, he is only concerned with pleasing his master Darth W. Sidious. Londoners will still be against the war and Tony Blair's approval ratings will drop back to the toilet after about six months. But for some reason, FOX thinks the British people are their comrades in the "War On Terror" (don't even get me started on that phrase). And holy shit, what kind of "journalist" comes out and says it would be ok if this city or that city got bombed? It might qualify as the worst thing said on FOX News, except that our old friend Brit Hume was working that day too.

Hume, FOX's Washington bureau managing editor, is the ass-hole who, early in the war in Iraq, compared the number of deaths of American soldiers in Iraq to California's murder rate and declared that the troops were safer in Iraq than they would be in The Golden State. So he's a big prick. But he topped himself this time. This guy is on the air hours after the bombing in London, and he says what his "first thought" was when he heard about the attacks:

I mean, my first thought when I heard -- just on a personal basis, when I heard there had been this attack and I saw the futures this morning, which were really in the tank, I thought, "Hmmm, time to buy."

Seriously, that's what he said. Fucking "time to buy" right after finding out that a bunch of people are probably dead. The man is scum. Can you imagine if this guy had been around reporting on the end of the Holocaust in WWII? "Boy, when I first heard about Auschwitz I sure wished I had invested in an industrial oven company before the war"

I hope he gets beat up by a Brit. Better yet, a Frenchman who lives in London. That'd be sweet.

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