Thursday, July 07, 2005

Theirs vs. Ours

I have been following all of the developments today in the London Underground attack, and there are a couple of things that struck me.

I have certainly had my problems with Tony Blair the last few years (mostly for being Bush's bitch), but he does have one big plus over our moron. Read this statement he made right after the attacks today and see if you can point out the big difference between this and the dumb Texan's first statement after the World Trade Center attacks:

I'm just going to make a short statement to you on the terrible events that have happened in London earlier today. And I hope you understand that at the present time we're still trying to establish what has happened. There's a limit to what information I can give you. And I'll simply try and tell you the information as best I can at the moment.

It's reasonably clear there have been a series of terrorist attacks in London. There are, obviously, casualties, both people that have died and people seriously injured. And our thoughts and prayers, of course, are with the victims and their families.

It's my intention to leave the G-8 within the next couple of hours and go down to London and get a report face to face with the police and the emergency services and the ministers that have been dealing with this, and then to return later this evening.

It is the will of all the leaders at the G-8, however, that the meeting should continue in my absence, that we should continue to discuss the issues that we were going to discuss and reach the conclusions which we were going to reach.

Each of the countries around that table has some experience of the effects of terrorism. And all the leaders, as they will indicate a little bit later, share our complete resolution to defeat this terrorism.

It's particularly barbaric that this has happened on a day when people are meeting to try to help the problems of poverty in Africa and the long-term problems of climate change in the environment.

Just as it is reasonably clear that this is a terrorist attack, or a series of terrorist attacks, it's also reasonably clear that it is designed and aimed to coincide with the opening of the G-8.

There will be time to talk later about this.

It's important, however, that those engaged in terrorism realize that our determination to defend our values and our way of life is greater than their determination to cause death and destruction to innocent people in a desire to impose extremism on the world.

Anyone? That's right, nowhere in there does he tell everyone to go shopping. Kudos to Tony Blair for not being a complete, disconnected-from-reality, idiot.

And here is a little of our dumbfuck's first statement today:

On the one hand, we got people here who are working to alleviate poverty and to help rid the world of the pandemic of AIDS and that are working on ways to have a clean environment. And on the other hand, you've got people killing innocent people. And the contrast couldn't be clearer between the intentions and the hearts of those of us who care deeply about human rights and human liberty, and those who kill, those who've got such evil in their heart that they will take the lives of innocent folks.

Yes Mr. President we do have people at that meeting who are trying to accomplish those things. Unfortunately, you're there too, putting up roadblocks every step of the way. You strip money away from real sex-ed programs and veto the Kyoto agreement on global warming, and now you try to lump yourself in as one of the people trying to stop the AIDS pandemic and save the environment?

What an ass hole.

And for the love of god would you please stop calling everyone "folk"? It may have helped you win the votes of Ma & Pa Kettle in Alabama, but you're embarrassing the rest of us on the world stage.


Joe said...

I just love when these two speak on the same stage. It's simply fucking hilarious hearing a relatively eloquent guy with an English accent and then hearing Goober.

Deni said...

It really does highlight how stupid he really is.

Deni said...
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the beige one said...

The paranoiac in me smells justification for further war...

Deni said...

Can anyone say "Iran"?