But I've realized by reading the comments of the single person that comes over to my blog from that site that it's not just a joke, it's actually true. I've been checking my site meter and no one but this idiot has found my site by reading that moronic, jingoistic, racist site. So if he's the only one that reads it, he must be the guy who made it. I speak, of course, of the dipstick who's been leaving bizarrely reasoned arguments against all immigration the last couple of days. He calls himself "Patriot Rightly," which besides being stupid sounding (I've never understood the whole internet "handle" thing. Why is the internet like CB radios and rap names that way?) just doesn't really make any sense.
If you've read my last few postings you've probably seen the completely senseless comments he's written, along with some brilliant counter-points made by Armando, Jose and Ben. So I'm going to just touch on a few of the "points" good ol' P. Rightly made, not because they are valid in any way, shape or form, just that they are the same arguments the rest of the racist agenda crowd has been trained to repeat ad nauseum.
Of course the first argument against the racist charge was "I'm 50% Peruvian."
Well goody for you! This has become the new "I've got lots of friends who are..." Black or gay being the most popular of the words to finish that sentence. I find that most people who ever use that phrase to defend themselves against being called a bigot are usually talking about someone they work with or lives in their neighborhood. Which isn't exactly the same thing as "friends" now is it? Of course now it's the claim that "I can't be racist because I'm a minority." Especially if they are the same minority as the one you are accusing them of being biased against. Well I've got news for you Mr. Rightwingly, you can be half Hispanic and still have a hatred for your own kind. In the gay world it's called "internalized homophobia" and in the black world it's called being Clarence Thomas. So don't even try to pull that crap on us.
Of course this is one of the new tools for the racist agenda. Get a minority lackey to be the mouthpiece for your hate-filled ideals to deflect the charge of racism. Why do you think it was Michelle Malkin, an Asian American, they got to write that silly book defending the use of prison camps for Japanese Americans in WWII? She, like you, can state that because she's the particular race she's disparaging she is immune to the racist charge. Well I've got news for you Jingoist Righty, Malkin is one of the most disgusting racists in the country. She has even been going around promoting the idea that the Mexicans coming to America are largely a part of the conspiracy called "reconquista" that aims to take back the southwest U.S. for Mexico (she actually claims that's why most illegal immigrants are here) and call it Aztlan. Well, as I've pointed out to my old hick friend Kyle in the past (when trying to make him realize that Lou Dobbs is a racist ass) this whole conspiracy is not true. It was made up by white supremacists and neo-Nazis to strike fear in the moron masses. It's similar to the way the anti-Semites made up the Protocols of Zion to stoke the fears and hatred toward Jews.
I don't care how dark your skin is, if you aid in pushing the agenda of the white supremacists and neo-Nazis then you are a no good racist pig. Again, see the Clarence Thomas example.
I'm sorry you are a self-hating Hispanic (if that's really true anyway, this is the anonymous internet after all). It must be sad to look in the mirror and wish your skin would lighten so you could be like all the happy white people. Don't fret though, you've got company in Ms. Malkin and Michael Jackson.
And if you don't have a racist agenda yourself, then why are you peddling a racist book from a hate monger on the front page of your site? Look here and here for a run-down the racist drivel coming from Pat Buchanan's book State Of Emergency. Here's a few bits from it:
"This [immigration] is an invasion, the greatest invasion in history." [p. 5]
"We are witnessing how nations perish. We are entered upon the final act of our civilization. The last scene is the deconstruction of the nations. The penultimate scene, now well underway, is the invasion unresisted." [p. 6]
"Chicano chauvinists and Mexican agents have made clear their intent to take back through demography and culture what their ancestors lost through war." [p. 12]
"[W]e are in the midst of a savage culture war in which traditionalist values have been losing ground for two generations." [p. 28]
As for the "issues" caused by immigration, well as usual for the anti movement, if you can't find a real one make some up. The "environmental problem" being caused by immigrants is laughable at best. That these people pretend to care about the environment is sickening.
I'm sorry that "the woods and streams where (you) once played are now houses that all look the same" but the fact you try to lay that at the feet of immigrants is ridiculous. You think all those Mexican farm workers are buying those tract houses in your old playground? You know, a lot of the area where I use to ride my bike in the woods has been turned in to an office park, which sucks. But they didn't build that place just to accommodate the extra janitors they had available. You know what caused that? Your precious capitalism that you proclaim such love for.
And highways keep adding lanes because our elected officials don't have the political will to address the transportation issues facing this country in a real and reasonable way (public transportation) and instead pocket the money they get from the oil and auto industries and just build more roads. That ain't even close to being a migrant worker's fault.
The refusal of most of America's cities to control sprawl and implement policies to encourage and demand sustainable growth policies is the real problem. Why don't you join a pro-public transportation advocacy group, or a local environmental organization? Oh, you'd rather bitch about foreigners?
And they could stop putting lanes on those highways if Americans like yourself would bus, train, walk, and/or bike to work instead of jump in their SUV. I suppose I don't know for sure that you don't, but since your IP address says you live in Texas I'm guessing you don't spend a lot of time on the public transportation services in oil-land. By the way, a much higher percentage of immigrants take mass transit than native born Americans.
Population problem? You lay that at the immigrants coming in? What about the white couples from Iowa mainlining fertility drugs and popping out litters? They don't count in the population problem? Do a little research and you'll see that since 1960 alone the world population has more than doubled from 3 billion to over 6.5 billion. Population is a problem everywhere man, because people are having too many damn kids.
I'm not really sure what you mean by your city was 2 million growing up and is 5 million now, because there is only one city in America with that much population and that would be New York, with over 8 million. The second largest city is L.A. and it has less than 4 million and rounding out the top three is Chicago with about 2.8 million. So where the hell is this "city" with 5 million people? Your IP says you live in the Houston area, so we'll assume that you meant metropolitan area when you said city. But you should really learn to distinguish the two. But it's like I said, you live somewhere where the leaders you put in office won't do anything to address the growth and sprawl issues and are controlled by the oil cartel. It's rich white guys adding more lanes to those highways, not Mexicans.
Besides, if you kick out all the immigrants, it would only be fair that all the other countries kick out the American ex-patriots so we would gain back about 8 million people (counting overseas military) anyway.
Now these issues that are being used now by the anti crowd (environment, population) are real, but the blame for them is not. It's really about wanting someone else to make the sacrifices to make their world better. It's a total smokescreen. Stopping immigration won't solve any of the problems these people claim to care about. And the real solutions to these problems are usually opposed by these same free-marketeers and libertarians. Bring up that we should outlaw all cars that get less than 50 mpg, institute congestion fees for driving into an urban area (like they've done in London with fabulous success), or actually make people drive slower than 60 mph and they cry communism. Oh no, you can't make any testosterone toys or behavior illegal.
But declaring a human being illegal, for no other reason than trying to make a better world for their family, is OK. It makes me sick.
One last thing. Your comment, "World hunger is not my problem. My pantry is full" (after calling my friend a one world communist, which just made everyone snicker at you) says pretty much everything anyone needs to know about you. And I really don't have any more poetic of a response to it than this:
Go fuck yourself.
Some of us see the world in larger terms than what goes on inside our tiny little isolationist world and our own families.
So go back to your bunker and let the rest of us work together to solve these problems.